Thematic week in kindergarten

The current stage of development of preschool education is characterized by the rapid pace of introduction of innovative technologies into the practice of kindergartens. Federal state educational standards suggest that the construction of the educational process in kindergarten should be based on a complex thematic principle. Therefore, the thematic week in kindergarten becomes the basis for planning and organizing work in a preschool institution.

Thematic week, in which the entire educational process is built around a topic, has great potential for the development of preschoolers.

Thematic week in kindergarten allows you to give children many opportunities for practical actions, elementary experimentation, the formation of basic skills, and the development of mental functions. It combines all types of children's activities in kindergarten, makes them interesting and varied, and most importantly, useful for children. In addition, the thematic week allows you to use the regional and cultural component in the educational process.

Our kindergarten carries out its activities using an exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" N.E. Verax. According to the recommendations of the program, when planning the educational process, we pay attention to one topic for at least one week. Similar thematic weeks are introduced in different age groups. This serves to systematize and deepen knowledge, as well as continuity in the development of children throughout preschool childhood.

Taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, in order to solve educational problems, we determine the range of generally significant topics, as well as topics of interest to children. Theme weeks are included in long-term plan of educational work of the group for the academic year, which is agreed with the senior kindergarten teacher.

The planning of theme week titles is influenced by:

  • educational tasks,
  • time period of the year
  • children's age.

For example, this is how the prospective planning of thematic weeks in the first junior group looks like.

Thematic plan of the teacher of the 1st junior group for 2013-2014.

In the long-term plan, we indicate the month, calendar week and the number of the school week (for convenience when planning).

For example, the third thematic week is called “What autumn brought us (vegetables)!”. The organization of direct educational activities in the OO "Knowledge", "Communication and reading fiction", "Artistic creativity" is based on integration and will be subordinated to this main theme. So, for this thematic week, we planned such directly educational activities as:

  • "Our garden" (Knowledge);
  • "Let's treat the Cockerel with peas" (Drawing);
  • "Cucumbers" (Lepka);
  • "Carrot from a Bunny" and "Top Roots", using reading works of fiction on the topic.

Once a week, on the day of direct educational activities in the NGO "Knowledge", we plan to conduct a thematic walk, which is a natural continuation of this topic. For example,

Theme "Vegetables", type of walk: walk-observation

Joint activities of the educator with children


  • learn to recognize and name vegetables;
  • replenish the active dictionary with new words;
  • learn to perform feasible labor actions.

Equipment: a spatula for loosening, a watering can with water, planar wooden figures "vegetables".

Observations "Our garden": plooking at the pumpkin, its shape, color, size, where it grows.
Observation "Wonderful garden": plooking at a tomato and a cucumber, comparing their color, shape, size.
Finger game "At Zinochka in a basket."
Supervision of the work of the educator in caring for plants (loosening and watering).

Independent activity of children

Offer planar wooden figures "Vegetables" in order to create motivation for the child to arrange a "Garden" in the sandbox.

In addition, the theme of the week is reflected in selection of materials located in group corners. These include: lotto "Vegetables", pictures "Vegetables", dummies of vegetables for independent games for children, board-printed games (cut pictures, puzzles, insert frames), children's books on the topic. For the development of artistic creativity, various visual means (colored and wax pencils, plasticine, seals, stencils) can be offered to help children express their impressions.

The theme week is also linked to perspective plan of work with parents. So, for example, as a continuation of the topic under study, we planned a contest of crafts from vegetables “What did autumn bring us!”.

Thus, the theme week in kindergarten contributes to a more complete acquaintance of children with the planned topic.
